Just Because

When Jim and I were first married he would surprise me with a “just because” gift.  Usually it would be jewelry, which I completely loved receiving.  He does pick out the best kind! Well, I am a gem (yeah, right) and he picked me, right?  So I rest my case on that subject.

Getting back to my story though, the story that prompted this post “Just Because”.

We have noticed a huge turnover in our neighborhood.  Older folks are moving out and newer, younger folks with small children are moving in.  It is a wonderful hood to raise kids in, and since there is a tiny park across the street from out house, it’s super fun to see the neighborhood kids using it once again.

We are lucky enough to have a new (young) family move in right next to us.  They are so cute, all fresh faced and new- their future so wide open in front of them… and that’s the parents!  The kids are even cuter! It really does bring me joy to see that abandonned cozy coupe with the driver side door open in my neighbors front yard, the memories start flooding back to when my boys were young.  Ugh- I am now writing this with tears streaming down my face! Oh the horror!!!

Getting back to my story.  When our new neighbors moved in, there were three in the family and then THERE WERE 4!  Imagine that!  The young couple moved in with a 2 something year old boy and a little bun in the oven…. a baby girl.  Well, when I heard they were having a girl, I just couldn’t help myself- I had to make a baby quilt with A LOT of PINK!!

I scoured through all my pink stashes of fabric scraps and fussy cuts. I am sure many of you have those same kind of stashes.   img_0772-e1488850926333.jpg

I used my Accuquilt Go! Cutter to cut triangles- and ALOT of them too.


You can see I have some Heather Ross (vintage and hard to find), some Cotton and Steel and a sprinkling of solids throughout.  It, in my opinion is a feast for the eyes!


After the quilt top was pieced and “sandwiched” I did a little quilting, with my continuous circle technique.  Every girl wants a banana seat bike with fringed handle bars, right?

I of course had to add a little something extra to the back, because as we all know, “it’s those little things” that make a big difference.



Now, while I cannot say without lying that “I am an expert paperpiecer” when it comes to letters.  These 4 letters litterally kicked my behind.  I sooooo struggled with them.  In the end though- I made my point, and June’s name appeared on the back.  I am sure it only bothers me that the letters aren’t perfect.



And in my humble opinion, it is pretty darn cute!  Just like the recipient!


All dressed up and ready to go- but the gnome stays with me! Sorry June!


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